July 1, 2009 -- still dank and damp and dark and wet and not like July in Maine. Towels aren't drying, we plan grilled meals at our own peril, and we really, really, really want to go sailing.
Today is a day of dense, heavy fog and no wind. According to John Gould's Maine Lingo this type of fog is known as a "fog mull".
If you sail in Maine, you can expect to sail in fog. The phrase "fog bound Coast of Maine" is incredibly descriptive. When we have had a breeze, we have sailed in the fog both with and without instruments. We use our senses more fully as we look and listen for danger and buoys. We work together as a team to reach our destination safely. We celebrate at the end of a successful passage.
We have also stayed on the hook or mooring or dock and waited it out. Using the time to explore a new harbor, read, play games, cook, and plot future courses. Both are good strategies for boaters.
Since we can't change the weather, it makes sense to give in to the inevitable. I am doing that this week by using this time to reflect, plan, and sort. Stew and I are clearing the boat of clutter, using storage space more effectively, and making plans for our future.
One could say that this "pre-boom" economy has put Maine and the country in a dense fog. As the owner of Hire Well, I am using part of the each work day to clear the clutter, create better systems, market more effectively and make plans for growth and prosperity.
Now is the time to reflect on how you can create a better, stronger business. Do you need to make personnel changes? Is your marketing effective? Are there seminars that would be of value to you or your team? What can you do today that will ensure your prosperity tomorrow?
It's a fog day. Whether you choose to sail forward, or sit and reflect. Embrace the day and use it wisely.