Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to be a "Best Place to Work"

I was delighted that two of my clients, MPX and Garrand & Company, each earned the distinction of being one of the "Best Places to Work in Maine, 2009".

Both companies certainly deserve the award and it is nice to think that Hire Well played a small role in their success. The real honor goes to the CEO and entire team of each company. Both companies won in the small business division - a division in which at least 80% of the staff must complete the lengthy survey. I believe that one of them had 100% response. When have 100% of your staff done anything on a deadline? It is clear to me that each CEO has great vision and is very well respected by their team.

So what makes a company one of the Best Places to Work in Maine? If you read the application, you will see that many questions involve tangible issues such as benefits, salary, opportunity, training. These are expensive issues for small companies and many cannot compete. If you have fewer than 15 employees you can't even submit an application, but any company can take care of the basics and create a better work environment, a better team, and in doing so offer a better product or service.

Where can your company -- or any company -- step up to the plate?

  • By hiring and keeping the best candidates

  • By making them feel welcomed and respected

  • By giving them clear direction and immediate feedback

  • By letting them know as much as you can about the goals and challenges of the organization

  • By firing those employees who are disruptive or who don't pull their weight and who can not or will not change (For more info on this topic see:

If you do everything you can to hire the best candidate for the position and the best fit for your company; if you treat everyone with respect and create a positive working environment; if you provide clear direction and honest feedback -- you may not win "Best Places to Work in Maine", but your employees will feel like winners, and your company will prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Barbara! So many companies have lost track of the concept of "Human Resources". Creative, motivated, valued employees can be a company's most important resources for succeeding in these times of breakneck change.
