Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hiring and Hire Well, LLC in 2010

At just $3000.00 per position,
you can afford to Hire Well

Happy New Year.

If you live in Maine, you may have attended a recent presentation by USM Economist and Professor Charlie Colgan's economic forecast for Maine, and you have certainly heard or read a news report on the topic. (If you haven't attended one of his public presentations, you may hear his speech here.) He is reasonably certain that we are now pulling out of the recession, but he does not believe that we will reduce unemployment anytime soon.

Hire Well helps small companies hire key
personnel, getting it right the first time.

What does that mean for employers, particularly those who are hiring? Well for one thing, it means we will continue to see huge numbers of applicants for most positions. Despite that, we will have a hard time finding qualified candidates for some positions, as families move to other areas and fewer workers move to Maine. Maine's smaller companies, who have limited human resources personnel will either have to spend more time finding the best available candidate -- or will hire quickly and hope for the best.

Save time. Save money. Call Hire Well.

So, in this New Year, like every other business owner, I have been taking a look at what Hire Well, LLC offers. Are our services relevant? Do we deliver on what we promise? Do we charge a fair price and can we profit at that price? Do companies and organizations need our services? I believe the answer to all of these questions is "Yes". So, how can I effectively market Hire Well, LLC? Networking, limited advertising, networking, referrals, networking, social media, and networking. I have found that advertising in Mainebiz has been an effective advertising venue for Hire Well and have continued to advertise during the recession. The message from Hire Well's upcoming ad as been presented (not subliminally) here.

Charlie Colgan ended his talk with this observation: The challenge for the next decade is to change our attitude from that of a Zero Sum Society of I win-you lose.

Whether you are building a company or seeking a position I wish you peace, health, and prosperity for 2010 and beyond. I hope we all win.

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